Different workshops have different software installation and signup requirements. These are listed below, along with any related curricular materials. Please check the appropriate sections for your workshops:
All Workshops
Command Line/GitHub
Text Analysis
All Workshops
Participants for all sessions are encouraged to install the following software:
- Visual Studio Code: powerful, cross platform text editor (installation instructions here)
- Git: a common version control system that also gives Windows users a Linux-like command line (installation instructions here)
Command Line/GitHub
This session’s curriculum is available on Github in two parts: command line and git/github.
Please also download and install the following software (which are the same titles recommended for everyone):
- Visual Studio Code: powerful, cross platform text editor (installation instructions here)
- Git: a common version control system that also gives Windows users a Linux-like command line (installation instructions here)
Text Analysis
This session’s curriculum will be delivered live and include in-person handouts. Please also download the following data and software:
- Download this ZIP folder of data for use during the workshop
- Visual Studio Code: powerful, cross platform text editor (installation instructions here)
- AntConc: concordancing software
- Topic Modeling Tool: a GUI wrapper for topic modeling
Optional In-Class Download:
- Wordle: a wordcloud program currently in hiatus. It is still available through the Internet Archive here, but requires a Java Runtime Environment and may be fiddly.
This session’s curriculum is available on Github here; please also do the following:
- Complete the process for setting up your ArcGIS account after you receive your invitation to join the Notre Dame campus GIS network via email.
- Download this ZIP folder of data for use during the workshop
- Please fill out this short survey
This session’s curriculum is available on Google Drive here. Additional IIIF information is available on this Github repository. Participants will also need to do the following:
- Please sign up for an Internet Archive account, https://archive.org/account/signup
This session’s curriculum is available on Google Slides here. (A similar, Github version of the curriculum is available here). Please also install the following:
- Python 3 (installation instructions here)
- Recommended but not required: Visual Studio Code, powerful, cross platform text editor (installation instructions here)
Note: make sure the Python version you download starts with a 3. The older versions of Python 2.X use a different code syntax, which will result in problems in the workshop.